Will The Kingdom Become An Empire?

Tonight, His Royal Majesty The King himself has proposed a bill to the parliament. During this specific parliament session alone, the parliament itself has had elections and a new reform. But.. the King seems to have had in mind his own type of reform. This includes the entire Kingdom and it’s realms as we know them.

In this new document, which is yet to be passed or failed, the King is to become the Emperor, with each realm as a Kingdom. This means Zeprana, Nogrod, and Alaria would all become Kingdoms and Ela’r’oech itself would be renamed to an extent.

The Bill, Titled “Elarian Governmental Reform #001,” Submitted By HRM The King Charles IV

The Kingdom of Ela’r’oech would become the Kingdom of the Greater Elarian State. How weird does that sound? The Kingdom of the Greater Elarian State, The Kingdom of Alaria, The Kingdom of Zeprana, and The Kingdom of Nogrod would all answer to the Emperor. The Emperor of the Empire. The Empire of Ela’r’oech.

How does this sound to you? Let Ela’r’oech know!

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